Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Mom's Worst Fears

This last week on one of the really nice warm days the kids wanted to go out front and ride bikes and shoot basketballs. They absolutely love going out front and I despise it almost as much. I can't keep an eye on them all the time and Connor is inside so it is really hard to feel secure with them out front. Well, I caved this day and sent them out with the understanding of looking out for each other and not riding past our two neighbors driveways. I stayed out with them for a while then headed in to start dinner. I put dinner in the oven, checked on sleeping baby and went back outside. In the 5 minutes I was inside Bailey decided to "make some money". The little 2nd grader that lives next door had a Lemonade Sale the day before and was telling them about all the money she made. So, Bailey being very interested in making more money, decided to "sing for money". She had a box sitting next to her and she yelled at me that she had already made 50 cents! She was so excited. I on the other hand was terrified. Especially when she told me "some man came up and gave me money for singing to him". Neither she nor Jack could tell me who he was or where he lived or where he had gone. I still get nervous and upset just thinking about it. I wish we lived in a world where we didn't have to be suspicious of strangers, especially strangers giving my pretty, young daughter money for singing to them. She has a sweet voice but we do not live in a world where we have the luxury of trusting strange men! All this to say, it was a wake up call for me. I have since gotten on EBay and ordered the DVD The Safe Side- Stranger Safety. We are going to watch it as a family and discuss it. I bring up safety all the time in the car now and quiz them on certain situations. I don't think I will ever get over the sick feeling in my stomach every time I think about that afternoon.

1 comment:

Kristen OQ said...

We ordered that movie off ebay a couple of months ago -- it is fantastic! The movie is a great starting point for teaching preschoolers & older about strangers & safety. It makes me so sad that my boys won't enjoy the freedom to ride bikes, explore, and roam like I did as a kid.