Friday, December 07, 2007

Turkey Trot

The last day of school before Thanksgiving is the Turkey Trot at the kids school. They were also having an Olympic Gold Medalist come to talk and to hand out the ribbons. Connor, Mimi and I went up for the talk that Gold Medalist, Bob Beamon gave that morning. An hour later Connor, Daddy and I went back to watch Jack run his mile. He did really well. He started out really fast. You know what comes next, he started out too fast and lost his energy by the back stretch. He still came in 12th out of all 2nd grade. This mommy was cheering really loudly. Someday that might embarrass him, but this day he was thrilled! After Connor, mommy and daddy caught a quick lunch, we headed back up to watch Bailey run her mile. I wasn't so sure what to expect out of Bailey. She has not always enjoyed physical things. She gets really tired after two quarters of a soccer game, so I really expected her to walk! She started out how I wanted Jack to start out. She had the most elegant, smooth run, at an awesome pace. Surprisingly, at the back stretch, Bailey hadn't walked yet. Her pace was still smooth and she didn't really look tired. On the last turn she thought about stopping and her sweet teacher ran up beside her and encouraged her and she didn't stop. She came in 15th out of all Kindergarten! Honestly I would never have expected Bailey to do as well as her rather athletic brother, but she took me completely by surprise. Way to go Bailey!

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