Jack took a class that was really the last level they offer and did great! All they do is swim back and forth doing all the different strokes that they have learned in all the other levels. The only new thing that they learned was how to do an underwater kick turn while still swimming. He has really mastered all strokes and was the best in class at the side stroke and back stroke! His freestyle is awesome when he breathes correctly. He tends to just keep his head above water so he doesn't have to take a breath! He is really done with swim lessons, not much left to teach him.
still lots to learn. She did finally graduate to the 2nd level this year and did awesome in that level. She is keeping her head under water and actually swimming for the first time. She is really good at her back float and gained so much confidence this year. She did graduate from this class and we are so proud of her!
Diving off the board was a big part of Jack's class and he loves to dive and cannonball off the board. He is into trying "trick" dives too. His favorite is the back flip dive off the board. Not mommy's fav.
Bailey would jump off the side into the deep, but off the board was a little more than she could handle just yet. She would get out to where the handles end and panic. Maybe next year...
I have not one picture of Connor at swim class. We were a little disappointed in his class. Because of his age we have to get in with him and after a brief description of what to work on it was just us helping him in the water. Could have done that on our on without having to pay! We were happy with how confident he is in the water and with his floaties on we don't have to hold on to him all the time. I think next year he will be swimming around by himself. All in all it was a very successful year of swim lessons!
1 comment:
That Jack is going to be one all around athlete to look out for!!
Don't worry about Bailey, T! She makes up for in the classroom, that little smartie. Kylie is still cautious when going off the diving board.
That's a bummer about Connor's class! Hope y'all are having a fun summer! :)
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