Sunday, August 03, 2008

Rockport Beach

On Tuesday morning we loaded up and headed out to the beach. At this point we knew that Hurricane Dolly was headed into the Texas Coast and we wanted to make sure we made it to the beach just in case... All three kids enjoyed piling onto Daddy in the shallow water.
Connor spent a lot of time chasing the birds! He would yell, "Here birdie, birdie, come here now!"

Of course, sand castle building was in store! Bailey and Jack are expert sand castle planners. Connor is the expert sand castle destroyer.
After an hour and a half, Bailey just went to the umbrella and sat in the shade. She really isn't in love with the beach. She would much rather be in the pool.
The boys enjoyed some football.

Who is that really skinny kid relaxing in the water? Someday when he is older and has a little meat on his bones I'll show him this pic.

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