The month of April has been filled with so many things.
Sorrow, joy, fear, anticipation, and many memories.
With all the turmoil this month I have not had the time to blog about my Grandfather.
After many years of failing health and depression his body finally gave out and he is home with God. At his memorial I learned some really fascinating facts that I didn't know about him.
I knew his name was J.W. and that it really only stood for J.W. I knew he was a rancher and a fireman for Dallas. What I didn't know was that he grew up on a pear orchard. People came from Dallas to his farm in Kleberg to buy pears by the bushel. For some odd reason I find that life interesting and I would love to know more. My mom actually remembers it because when she was small they still lived there.
Here are just a few more interesting facts:
*He worked at the first movie theater in Mesquite as a projectionist.
*He ran a Curtis Candy route.
*He was a Dallas Fireman for 28 years.
*He was the mayor of Oak Grove.
*He was married to my Memaw for 62 years!
*He had two children.
*He had 6 grandchildren.
*He had 7 great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was full of fond memories from friends and family. We decided to take Jack and Bailey mainly because they both asked to go and say goodbye to Papa. After the funeral began I was so proud of my two kids. Both sat and listened to the Chaplain talk about Papa. Everything was smooth until they opened the coffin for everyone to pay respects. Bailey started crying and couldn't stop. As she sobbed on me she said, "Mommy, Papa's boo-boos are all better now aren't they?" Out of the mouths of babes. "Yes, Bailey, Papa is with God now so his boo-boos are all better." Jack leans over and says,"That is not Papa anymore Bailey, his old body is still here but he is up in heaven."
On the way to the burial the kids got to ride in the limo with Granny, Mimi and Papa and they loved it. The burial was a true Fireman's funeral. We had bagpipes lead us in and after the tradition was explained a bell was rung to call Papa home to God. It was truly moving.
I could go on and on with my childhood memories of Papa. The farm, bringing me donuts after his shift at the Firehouse, riding horses and motorbikes, fishing in the ponds, riding in his truck early in the morning to check on the cattle, snakes!, Mr. Tom and Miss Kitty, sheep, picking vegetables in the garden, Corky, Duke, King, eating only shrimp no chicken, and on and on.
Grandpa truly blessed my life in so many ways. I will miss you and all your knowledge on just about any subject. As the song Blessed Assurance was sung at the service I felt a sadness and a joy at the same time because I knew I would miss him but I also knew he was now in a much better place.
Allulose Ice Cream Recipe
1 day ago