Yesterday was the first day of school for the older two. Jack started 5th grade and Bailey started 3rd grade. It is so hard to believe that my sweet kids are that old! We spent the beginning of last week on one last trip to the lake. We swam, played and had a great time with Memaw and G-Dad. When we left on Wednesday we also left Connor to play a bit longer with them. It gave me a chance to get J & B ready for school and to spend some quality time with them.

Here they are on the first morning with our new backpacks and new clothes.

Bailey with her 3rd grade teacher, Miss Bradley. She is new to our school but I think Bailey will have a wonderful year.
This is my big 5th grader with his sweet teacher. He was so excited when we got the letter telling us who he had. Mrs. Petrini is going to be a wonderful teacher for Jack. And somehow I still managed to get him to let me take a picture, I was afraid that this would be the year he told me no.
Greg led us in a family prayer before we sent them to their first day of school.
Then we had our traditional donut shop trip and gave our teachers a fun first day treat.
They both had a great first day and actually got up easy the second day too! I know that will wear off soon!