Saturday, December 06, 2008

A Parade and Santa's Village

All five of us bundled up early this morning and walked up the street to watch the Annual Richardson Christmas Parade. We haven't been for a few years but since it was just one block from our house we decided it was a good year to go and check it out. It was a little chilly but ended up being a perfect day for a parade. All the kids took their warmest blankets and bundled up.

Connor loved everything we saw!

This is my oldest son! Hiding under the blanket. He inherited his mommy's dislike for cold weather. He did come out in time for all the floats and bands and cheerleaders! Jack does love a cute cheerleader. We saw lots of people we knew and the kids loved all the candy they got. We even saw our cousin, Emma. She was riding on an Adventure Guides float.

Later in the evening we all headed up to City Hall to walk around the Richardson Santa's Village. We try to go every year it is a fun little village with lots of Christmas spirit.

The kids with Sparky!

Connor and Bailey rode in a sleigh. Jack played reindeer and pulled a sleigh, but we didn't get a pic of him.

We also visited with Mrs. Claus and she gave the kids cookies. While we were in line to see the Animal Shelter puppies (a favorite every year) I noticed a little boy walking around us looking really scared. Then when he said, "Where's my mommy?" with tears in his eyes, the mommy in me jumped to help him. This sweet little boy told me his name and his mommy's name and that he was 3. I sent another mom to find a policeman. I held him until the policeman came and talked to him and told me he would take him to the Police post. The little boy didn't really want to let go of me, but eventually the policeman took him with him. I couldn't leave the village until I saw him with his mommy. She was so scared!
I was so fearful for this sweet 3 year old and I so hope someone else would do the same for one of my kids if they were lost. I think that this has to be a mommy's worst fear, to turn around in a crowded place and your child be gone.
All in all it was a really wonderful, winter day!

1 comment:

Newberry said...

Oh my goodness! How scary for the mom and the little boy. What a blessing that it turned out okay. I can't wait to go to Santa's village this year. What is a good time to go or is it always crazy?